So, I got to the hospital, fully expecting to have all the electro-stickers done, and they handed me the little finger monitor. Yay, but ow! The finger monitor is so much easier to handle, having a finger clip and a little computer on a wrist strap, but it is equally as awkward as the larger machine to sleep with. I kept worrying that I might switch the machine off accidentally by leaning on it. Argh! By about 6am the nail on my little finger was hurting where the finger clip pressed against it. I should try to get an engineering degree and work on machines that make it more comfortable to do sleep studies with! Now I just have to wait for the results.
I would like to thank Joe at for sending me an e-mail about other mask options if it does transpire that I have sleep apnoea.
Tonight, I will have a much more enjoyable experience (I hope!)as it is the rearranged day for my cinema trip with Laura to see 30 Days Of Night. I know it is a vampire film, and I know it is based on the graphic novels of the same title, but I don't know what to expect from it. I've not read the graphic novels, and I have not seen much about the film (I have purposefully not looked it up. I think I annoyed Laura when we went to see Eragon by tutting and shaking my head at the complete mess they made of that film), so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will report back tomorrow.
Onto NaNo matters. My inner critic has reared its ugly head again. I am worried that everything I am writing is utter poop. I am still writing, but my head is telling me "What's the point? It's no good!" I am trying to stifle the little bugger, to put a pillow over its little critical face and smoother it, but it keeps popping up! I have invested in a course by Holly Lisle called How To Beat Writers Block to help me beat this little voice into submission. When I get a spare quiet hour I shall work through the course.
Day 19: 604 words.
W.O.R.K (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don’t)
1 day ago
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