Monday, August 11, 2008

Mostly back on form!

So I can now concentrate fully on the 60s. My essay mark is back (well predicted, Michael) and I feel so much better. 84%! Woohoo! I feel quite happy with the comments, just need to work out the integrative bit now. Which I shall. *Determined* I just hope that TMA09 hasn't scuppered my chances of passing this course.

The only thing now is, I'm wondering if I should do a language and literature degree. Hmmm. I know that there is a children's literature course starting in 2009 sometime (U300, I think), and I would very much like to try it, but I'm definitely not going to try it without doing some form of literature course at level 2 first. So, that would now mean doing A210 and U211 once the creative writing course has finished.

Now, on to toying with the idea of transfering my Blogger blog onto a Wordpress blog... Choices, choices.


Anonymous said...

fantastic,weight off your mind eh? 84%,nothing wrong with that methinks.Forget tma09,you have passed.If the art part got you 60% for example,you have passed before you even pick up yhe pen and start on the poetry.Mine was appalling!But it will pass!Seem to be struggling today for some reason.Ho hum

Ally said...

Aye, weight (and wait) off the mind! Now I know how Atlas felt!

Yup, struggling here too, even though the Society for the Advancement of Mindfog is slowly shutting up! I feel the new anxiety of TMA08 piquing in my befuddlement.