Thursday, August 28, 2008

Itchy pate, oozing brains!

So, over the last week and a half or so, Principessa has had this scab on her leg. She keeps picking it, so it has grown. Luckily, putting a plaster on it the other day encouraged her not to pick it anymore. However, it made me think of a post on Justine Larbalestier's blog, and I have not since managed to remove the imagery from my mind. Argh! And ewwwww!

Now I think I may go and buy some Metallica from iTunes. I have none on CD, and I miss a good Metallica mosh! After all, I had my angsty female music fix yesterday when Oyster by Heather Nova arrived.


Anonymous said...

i have all the Metallica albums if u want em toe

Ally said...

Then I may have to borrow Ride The Lightning off you :D