So, the latest hair-brained idea to hit our bookshelves will be age banding. Publishers are aiming to put a banding system on book covers to advise on the 'reading age' of the books. I'm sorry, but this is a bit ridiculous. Think about it. This is going to alienate readers, children especially, by giving a system that says 'well maybe this book is a bit too old for you.' Surely this is the job of the parents, not the publishers? This system is going to an exclusive thing, rather than inclusive, and haven't kids nowadays got enough to cause them complexes? Books are meant for escapism, not to tell a kid 'hey, this isn't for you, so don't even think about it', which is what this system could do. Okay, I know it's there already, but it's invisible, guides in book club magazines etc., there for parental advise. That's how it should stay. If a child is reading, and old enough to choose the books they enjoy reading, then they should be allowed to do so.
I'd hate to think what would have happened if this system was around when I was young and getting into reading. One of the books that really gave me the bug for reading was James Herbert's Rats, and I picked that up when I was bored one day when I was about 12. If it had been banded I know it would be put out of my 'age range' being a horror book, and being the way I was when I was younger I probably would have left it alone. The same with some of the sci-fi books I picked up. This banding system is a really idiotic idea.
If you agree, and you haven't already, go to No to Age Banding and sign up. This is a restrictive system that is not necessary. Surely it's just adding to the whole nanny state business?
W.O.R.K (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don’t)
1 day ago
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