Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Intent to write weirdness.

Despite buzzing televisions, tons of washing and a demanding Principessa, I actually managed to do one of the writing exercises. Yay me! I had a go at the freewrite exercise, though I don't know if what I scribbled could be counted as a freewrite. You see, I can't write without putting in some form of punctuation, like I think in commas and apostrophes. I can't help it. But writing a freewrite, you are supposed to just write stream of consciousness stuff, so punctuation is superfluous to requirements. I just can't do it! Even if the punctuation might be a bit off - comma diarrhoea and the like - I have to put it in. Not only that, but the stuff I did write was a bit like sinister, surrealist fiction with environmental (as in noises around me) influences structuring the sentences. Anyway, enough of that. This is what I came up with (as written and unedited) for the "One summer's day" prompt:

One summer's day the world ended. Well. Not ended as such, but it stopped. Just for a split second. The washing machine trundled away on its own merry business, spinning the children like one of those rides in the fairground. They giggled and gurgled as the machine sprayed them with luke-warm water. After all, health and safety is rife now and using cold water can get you sued.

My mind piled up with all these strange, stringy thoughts. They tumbled out like so many hankies from a magician's sleeve. Red, angry thoughts. Purple, peaceful thoughts. Blue, cold revenge thoughts. But it was the yellow, summery thought that caught my attention, bouncing like tennis balls off freshly cut grass. That green, verdant smell was in my nostrils, the hazy summer sun buzzing with the intent of an angry wasp in the front of my head. Migraine, nausea and hayfever struck with one single, violent exploding jerk of my body.

Some of it I really like, but some of it seems just a bit too twisted! Eeps, I think my mind is slightly strange. And does it count as a freewrite, as that is exactly how it seeped from my brain?


Skippy said...

I think if anyone wrote a stream of consciousness it'd be twisted. I mean if you think about it, thoughts are what we have to process everything so a thought like I wander what it's like to kill that woman she's got orange hair might only be a passing reference to be filed during sleep not a plot to murder a nice lady on the bus.

Ally said...

Lol! What thoughts have you been having lately? Though that makes me think of that Tori Amos song 'Waitress'.