In the entertainment industry yesterday. Not with the death of British film maker Anthony Minghella and the Grand Old Man of sci-fi Arthur C. Clarke. A sad, sad day.
I think I was more affected by Arthur C. Clarke's passing as I love to read, and anyone who has taken any notice in sci-fi over the last 40 odd years cannot have failed to be influenced in some way by him. The last time I felt upset by someone dying that I didn't know was when I heard that the fantasy author David Gemmel had died. It's such a strange feeling to have emotions for people that you didn't know but had touched your life through their writing. Huh!
I've noticed lately that there has been mention on some blogs I read about an essay written by the author Robin Hobb about blogging writers. I blogged about it here, last September. It seems that there are lots of people getting riled by it (though not Scalzi, whose blog this link directs you to). Now, firslty, it's been up on her site for ages. Secondly, it does have words of wisdom for slacker writers like me warning against the perils of blogging and how it could eat away your writing time. I really do not understand why, if they think it is offensive, they just don't ignore it. Silly people.
W.O.R.K (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don’t)
1 day ago
Shame about Arthur C. Clarke,i remember reading the foundation series a long,long time ago.One of my pics was of a "mandelbrot set" which I learnt about through the great man.
On the subject of blogging surely if you are having a mental block it's better to write something rather than mope about all day.I see it almost like a training tool or a practice aid.BTW really worried about the gladiators now,worked all day and I deffo can not see enough material in the notes.Think i will ignore it and go and read some drivel!
On the blogging thing, I think what she was trying to say was that if you're a 'working' writer and you spend more time commenting to comments on your blog then you're most likely to waste time rather than utilise your time writing what you're supposed to be writing.
Now that I've kind of assimilated the info in the resource book, I think there might be enough info there in the Wiedemann (saying that, I spent out on his book and you wouldn't believe how they have chopped up the work!) and Hopkins articles. The 'primary' source stuff doesn't really seem to help with the attitudes, as only a few of the philosopher types seemed to have voiced any opposition to the games. I found this site quite helpful.
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