Not long ago, I was reading an article on a website for one of the authors whose books I enjoy reading. The article was regarding the writing of a blog if you are an aspiring writer. For something as simple as a blog, to have such strong feelings about such a small part of the internet struck me as quite insane. But, as I read further, there seemed to be some words of wisdom hidden in the prose. Take a look for yourself: 'Vampires of the internet' . I think this is quite a selfish standpoint to have, for I very much enjoy reading the blogs of other authors who can share their knowledge and experiences with us lesser mortals.
I must admit, I have been blogging more than writing recently. My brain is not geared to write at the moment. So, for all the writing I am doing, I am not actually writing anything. Sometimes I feel quite frustrated by this, but I just haven't the motivation to carry on with some of the stories I have on the go. There are too many other ideas, some I feel could make really good stories, others which are only part ideas - a character or a scene - jostling for postion in my priorities. I don't think I'm ever going to finish anything, the way I am going now.
Anyway, time for tea. I will finish by sending you to look at the 'Will it blend?' page and the link for one of my favourite J-rock bands, Triceratops.
W.O.R.K (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don’t)
1 day ago