Principessa and a keyboard.... Not a good combination. The keyboard she has been playing with is one of those old Casio keyboards with a demo tune on. I swear to God she has had it playing constantly for about the last half an hour. It's enough to turn a person into a raving lunatic! Argh!
I tried, once again, to take Principessa to Clarks to have her feet measured. I don't know why, but she has an irrational fear of the foot gauge. She screams so loud it is frightening. It is also very worrying. You can see the looks across peoples faces as they wonder 'What in hell do these people do to this kid?' It's horrible. And while all this is happening I am trying to calm Principessa down, floundering like a kipper, as I sit trapped in the stupid chair. Argh! Again.
Well, I am getting close to finishing my kids story. Problem is, I may have to rethink as I think I may have written myself into a corner that has no exit. Poop! All I have to do now is ask someone to illustrate it for me (I have clear ideas of the pics for it). I just wish I had more support from peeps around me, instead of slightly interested indifference. Ho hum. I'll just have to battle on....
W.O.R.K (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don’t)
1 day ago