Me, that is. A comic book nerd. Okay, so I was watching Smallville last night, as I do, because I quite like it. Clark was off trying to save the boneless bags of folk in an accident in Seattle after they had been attacked by some strange alien blokie who liked to eat bone marrow. Near the end of the episode, a mysterious stranger turns up and kills the strange Maybe-I-Should-Just-Eat-Pal-Dogfood-As-That-Is-Made-With-Marrowfat alien, and Clark sees the silhouette of the new stranger. Then the stranger blinks with his little red LED lightbulb eyes. "Ohhh, is that the Martian Manhunter?" I say to Dad, though I know he doesn't know what I am talking about. To answer my own question I have been having a look on Smallville sites and have finally found out that I am right! So, like I say, "Comic book nerd, I am!"
Must go now. Need to get sorted out so I can go to the NRU for my six month check, bloody stupid illness.
W.O.R.K (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don’t)
1 day ago