Well, Niamh completed her first week at nursery. She was doing brilliantly until Friday, when the teachers tried to take her and the other kids to the school hall to play with all the big toys. Well, Niamh (according to the teachers) was inconsolable. They took her back to the classroom, where she asked, "Are we home now?" Porr little thing. By the time Linds got round to the school to pick her up she was happy as Larry and didn't want to leave. Ah well!
Over the first half of the week I went to school with her, but by Thursday my stomach couldn't take it. There are too many roads on the way to the school, and being leant backwards in the wheelchair really turns my stomach. I am petrified that Gaz is going to lose his grip and I am going to fall backwards. Eugh. Horrible.
It was also Halo 3 release week. Gaz received his copy on Tuesday, so on Wednesday, after dropping Niamh off at shcool, we went back to his ('twas very strange being back in that house after moving out years ago!) and played it for about an hour. Now I have to save up to get an Xbox 360. I quite enjoyed Halo 3, and I really would like to get PGR 3 too. Ho hum!
Ooohh, I saw this yesterday (thanks to the link from Neil Gaiman's blog) and I really want one;
The Great Old Ones are coming!
Next week I'll get back to writing and learning Japanese. I've let both slide a little, well, a lot really. I need to get back to it. I have been putting off the writing for a long time, I've just not had the motivation or the confidence to carry on. I think it is time to bite the bullet and force myself back into these things. Though I don't recommend biting bullets, it's a slightly dangerous pasttime! But no, in all seriousness, it is time to shake these nagging self doubts and get down to business. Wow, that is really assertive! I think I have just shocked myself into action with that!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
What a week.
Posted by
10:10 am
Labels: Japanese, The horrors of nursery and the raising of Cthulu, writing
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Birthday to Principessa!
Well, whislt Principessa is off bugging her Nan, I thought I'd post quickly.
'Tis Principessa's 3rd birthday today. Two of her pressies were a giant Shrek and a cuddly giraffe. They were the things she wanted.
We're off to the bookshop again later. Well, it should be sooner, or I may have to have surgery to have my ears reattached. Then it's off to pizza hut for the birthday meal. Principessa is really looking forward to that.
Best be off... A birthday girl wants some attention.
Posted by
1:49 pm
Labels: The birthday girl.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Written by Mum, dictated by Principessa
Burp, The Hospital.
Principessa is banging.
The Hospital.
Principessa has questions.
Principessa is looking for Broken.
He is sitting on the toilet.
He is giving a tea party.
The Hospital is wobbling.
The Hospital has the football.
I really don't know what goes on in her head! Can you tell she's recently visited the hospital?
She gave me one of those 'I can't believe it' moments this morning. She had found one of those resistance elastic excercise bands, and was playing Stretch with her Uncle Gaz. She let go of the band and it fired back at Gaz.
"That is deadly," said Gaz.
"Evidently!" Principessa said.
I nearly fell off my chair! I nearly fell over laughing last night too, when Mum told me what she had been saying and doing.
Mum has a massage mat that Principessa likes to play with. She was sitting on it last night when she said;
"It's easy to make them jump."
"What?" Nan asked.
"It's easy to make them jump," Principessa repeated.
Nan then turns round to look at what Principessa is talking about. She had only emptied a packet of crisps on the mat and was happily watching them jump! There is method to her madness, and that is scary!
Posted by
11:32 am
Labels: evidently, how to make crisps into jumping beans, What goes on in her head?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
And here is a story co-written by Principessa.
Once upon a time, there was a deep, dark wood.
In the deep, dark wood there lived Big Niamhy.
One day, Big Niamhy went to the hospital.
She had gone to the hospital because she had hurt her cup of tea.
She stayed at the hospital until teatime, when the doctor came and fixed the handle on her cup of tea.
Big Niamhy was very happy because she could drink her tea without burning her fingers.
Posted by
4:30 pm
If you are a Heroes fan...
And if you haven't seen this already, then check out The Trials of Takezo Kensei.
Posted by
3:12 pm
Labels: The trials of Takezo Kensei
It's been a horrible few days.
I'm not a big fan of puke, I'm not a fan of puke full stop, but that is what the last few days has been filled with. Principessa started throwing up on Sunday afternoon and didn't stop until 6.30 Monday morning. I was worried she may be dehydrated, and the NHS Direct doctor told me to take her to the hospital. So off we went. Principessa had not been for a wee nearly all day Sunday, so that was also worrying me. We were discharged from the hospital just before 11am, after Principessa peed all over the floor in the obs ward! She's all fine now.
I was in bed all day yesterday. Thank God I wasn't puking. I was feeling so ill all day, I couldn't move. Linds was puking, Mum was feeling yucky, and Principessa was actually amazingly good most of the day. Gaz came down with the tummy bug today. Hopefully we will all be better by Friday, when Principessa turns three.
I finally got my Brian Lumley book. Yay! I haven't started reading it yet, I have other things I am reading. It is sitting there, looking like a piece of chocolate that I am saving as a treat!
Well, have to go. I need to be ready to sign for the delivery of Linds's new bed.
Posted by
9:17 am
Labels: Brian Lumley, Please don't let Principessa get sick again because I don't like the smell of curdled milk
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I think my head may just explode!
Principessa and a keyboard.... Not a good combination. The keyboard she has been playing with is one of those old Casio keyboards with a demo tune on. I swear to God she has had it playing constantly for about the last half an hour. It's enough to turn a person into a raving lunatic! Argh!
I tried, once again, to take Principessa to Clarks to have her feet measured. I don't know why, but she has an irrational fear of the foot gauge. She screams so loud it is frightening. It is also very worrying. You can see the looks across peoples faces as they wonder 'What in hell do these people do to this kid?' It's horrible. And while all this is happening I am trying to calm Principessa down, floundering like a kipper, as I sit trapped in the stupid chair. Argh! Again.
Well, I am getting close to finishing my kids story. Problem is, I may have to rethink as I think I may have written myself into a corner that has no exit. Poop! All I have to do now is ask someone to illustrate it for me (I have clear ideas of the pics for it). I just wish I had more support from peeps around me, instead of slightly interested indifference. Ho hum. I'll just have to battle on....
Posted by
5:03 pm
Labels: keyboard, shoe gauge, writing
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Picture lickin good!
Yesterday, Principessa found one of her little Thomas the Tank Engine aquadraw mats. She asked me for the 'special pen' that you fill with water, then use to scribble on the mat to make the picture appear. I didn't know where it was, so Principessa found a new way of making the picture appear.
Well, what can you say to that!
That's it for today. I've got to go and type up some story stuff and put Dr Who on for Principessa to keep her distracted. (Oh no, Principessa has just told me that the bookshop is falling down to the ground! What are we going to do?)
Posted by
10:26 am
Labels: The Principessa files
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
6 years ago today...
... I was next door, painting the front room white (it was a horrible shade of maroony red) with molotov Rob. We were happily going along, trying to give the horrible anaglypta wallpaper an even covering when my Dad came in and said, "There is no point carrying on, World War 3 is about to start." We turned on the TV and watched the destruction of the Twin Towers. Then we gave Rob a lift home, and all the radio stations were playing depressing music. I remember 'Everybody Hurts' by REM playing, and the streets seemed silent. The music was the only thing that could be heard. It was surreal. It's mad to think that was six years ago, and it's more insane to think of what has happened since.
But enough of that. The hospital appointment went as expected yesterday. Apart from being stuck there longer than expected. So, nothing new to report. I had to bribe Principessa with a trip to the bookshop so that she would behave while we waited.
At the bookshop, Principessa decided that what she needed was some flashcards. Good for her. I also bought a Neil Gaiman kids story - 'The Wolves In The Walls' ('tis very good) - and an updated Aesop's Fables (good bedtime reading for Principessa).
I thought I'd try to get an early night, but to no avail. Just as I started dropping off, a story that had been percolating in my brain finally decided it was ready. So I had to get up and write it, or risk losing it with myriad other stories and poems to the wicked far, far away land of Sieved Words and Phantom Musings.
Well, I'm off to finish said story and try to attempt calming Principessa down. Grandand has just left for the shops without her. Oh, joy!
Posted by
1:27 pm
Labels: 6 years ago, books, hospital, lost words
Monday, September 10, 2007
Such a Nerd....
Me, that is. A comic book nerd. Okay, so I was watching Smallville last night, as I do, because I quite like it. Clark was off trying to save the boneless bags of folk in an accident in Seattle after they had been attacked by some strange alien blokie who liked to eat bone marrow. Near the end of the episode, a mysterious stranger turns up and kills the strange Maybe-I-Should-Just-Eat-Pal-Dogfood-As-That-Is-Made-With-Marrowfat alien, and Clark sees the silhouette of the new stranger. Then the stranger blinks with his little red LED lightbulb eyes. "Ohhh, is that the Martian Manhunter?" I say to Dad, though I know he doesn't know what I am talking about. To answer my own question I have been having a look on Smallville sites and have finally found out that I am right! So, like I say, "Comic book nerd, I am!"
Must go now. Need to get sorted out so I can go to the NRU for my six month check, bloody stupid illness.
Posted by
10:01 am
Labels: Comic book nerd, NRU, Superman
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Out of print.
That's something I hate. When books go out of print. Over the last few months, I have been trying to get hold of a good copy of Brian Lumley's 'Compleat Crow'. I tried to get a copy from Ebay, but was outbid, tried to get a copy from Abebooks, but no luck. Now finally, I have managed to get a copy. WOOOOHOOOOOO! Now I'm really looking forward to reading it.
I've mostly been reading Neil Gaiman stuff lately. I did something I promised myself I wouldn't do; read 'Stardust'. I wanted to see the film first. Ah well. If they do not manage to get everything from the book into the film, I will be really disappointed. I think 'Stardust' is one of the shortest books I have ever read (around 180 pages). I also read 'Neverwhere', a much more substantial book. That I really enjoyed. If you get a chance to read it, do. It's a very interesting concept for a story.
There has been a lot of crap happening here, but I am not going to go into it. It is not my story, it is my cousins, but it is affecting the whole family. I am very worried for both of them.
Time to get back to Principessa and her new interest; playing the keyboard. (My head hurts.)
Posted by
10:51 am
Labels: Brian Lumley, music, Neil Gaiman
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Writers' blogs and J-rock
Not long ago, I was reading an article on a website for one of the authors whose books I enjoy reading. The article was regarding the writing of a blog if you are an aspiring writer. For something as simple as a blog, to have such strong feelings about such a small part of the internet struck me as quite insane. But, as I read further, there seemed to be some words of wisdom hidden in the prose. Take a look for yourself: 'Vampires of the internet' . I think this is quite a selfish standpoint to have, for I very much enjoy reading the blogs of other authors who can share their knowledge and experiences with us lesser mortals.
I must admit, I have been blogging more than writing recently. My brain is not geared to write at the moment. So, for all the writing I am doing, I am not actually writing anything. Sometimes I feel quite frustrated by this, but I just haven't the motivation to carry on with some of the stories I have on the go. There are too many other ideas, some I feel could make really good stories, others which are only part ideas - a character or a scene - jostling for postion in my priorities. I don't think I'm ever going to finish anything, the way I am going now.
Anyway, time for tea. I will finish by sending you to look at the 'Will it blend?' page and the link for one of my favourite J-rock bands, Triceratops.
Posted by
5:45 pm
Labels: blenders, blogs, Triceratops, writing
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Oooooh, shoes.
I have indulged in buying some shoes. It's not often I buy shoes, I'm not one of those 'I really must have a million pairs of shoes' type of people. I am really happy with my purchases:
And now I have Principessa sat on my knee, vying for space with the laptop.
"Can we go to the bookshop, Mums?" she asks.
"Not today, babe," I say.
"Can we go to Boots, Mums?"
Something tell you she wants to go shopping?
Posted by
10:41 am
Labels: Charlie and Lola, Principessa, shoes