Thursday, February 07, 2008

While Principessa watches Charlie and Lola.

I had my first tutorial last night. It was an awkward affair as it was new, and people were very dubious of including themselves in the conversation. This is usual in new social situations though. It'll get easier as we get to know each other. The tutor is good, she is very knowledgeable about the subject, but for the first tentative tutorial I felt she wanted us to know more than we did. And starting the first tutorial with analysis of the sonnet wasn't the best place to start, as the first unit of Block 1 is about analysis of art. Still, I am looking forward to next week.

Principessa was very cute about the whole thing. She came into the school where the tutorial was being held, and while I was getting settled she jumped up on a chair behind me, settled herself in and looked as if she was a miniature mature student! Hehehe, she was gorgeous!

I have started Unit 4 of Block 1, the philosophy unit. I would have started the music one, but I forgot to take the Ipod upstairs with me. Duh! So, my plan until Monday is to run with the philosophy and get some understanding of it, then on Monday read over the art unit again and start planning the analysis assignment for the TMA (tutor marked assignment).

Oohhh, I got my posh books (yes, more books. See picture above.) yesterday. They are lovely. They are quarter bound in leather and come from the Folio Society. There are times I wished I'd never joined, like when they do letterpress books (they are damned expensive!), but every now and again I'll treat myself to a posh book or two. Principessa has been treated with Leapfrog stuff. (Grrr, things that don't work. I bought a Leappad Writing system for her for Christmas. It worked for about five minutes, then stopped. Stupidly, I lost the receipt, so couldn't send it back. Well, it started working again the other day, so I bought a load of books for it so Principessa had other things to do on it. Then it stopped working again two says later. I've had to buy a new one for her. I don't mind, I just wish I hadn't been so sieve-minded with the receipt!)

On writing, here is another interesting post on re-writing. I think that this one gives better constructive advice on things to think about while you re-write.

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