Monday, August 20, 2007

Will you please turn down the decibels!

You know, sometimes I wish for a power cut. Sounds mad, but it’s the only way to get some silence here.

Nearly every second of the day is constantly bombarded by noise. The TV, the radio, the computer. Principessa noise is okay, but I, over the last few years, have developed sensitivity to noise. All I really want to do is go somewhere that is not here, and not a city, and listen to birdsong and nature. Something that is not manmade. It is time to clear my head of the constant noise conflict clamouring for attention every day. To tell the truth, most of the time it drives me crazy.

On the subject of birdsong though, we had taken Principessa to the park the other day. As it was quite a way from the main road there was not much car noise to be heard. Unfortunately, there was no birdsong to be heard either. Where have all the birds gone? I can’t remember the last time I saw a sparrow. There was a murmuration of starlings about two weeks ago, but I don’t remember seeing many birds since then. Even winter doesn’t bring the regular visitors; great tits, blue tits, robins. It really is quite depressing. Bill Oddie would not be a happy chappie.

Back to silence now. I have just been having a surf (online, that is!) and happened to visit Bruce Campbell’s site. I started having a read through some of his ‘blogs’ and found his take on the whole silence thing: 'Stop, look, and listen'. You know, I knew there was a reason I liked him! Keep it up, Bruce, you’re only giving me a greater reason to appreciate you!