Thursday, May 01, 2008

Food porn meme

1. What food do you consider the best “date” food? In other words, what meal or food item do you think is sexiest to eat in the company of someone you would like to look sexy around?

Date? What's a date. Oh, and I don't like dates! And is any food really sexy to eat if you want to be sexy with someone? Well, unless you're doing something rude with it, that is....

2. What well-known person would you like to share a meal with?

Maybe Stephen Fry. Though I think there would be too much interesting talk to be had, and not enough time to eat.

3. What does your perfect breakfast-in-bed look like? (Food AND the details, please. Candles? Music? Flowers? Hot tub? Dancing girls?)

Breakfast in bed? No thank you. Crumbs, spilled tea/coffee after a three year old bounces on the bed... Too much hassle.

4. What do you consider the best application of whipped cream to be?

On strawberries :)

5. Oh-God-No, Biff, the yacht is sinking! You are sent to the galley to retrieve the food. What luxury food items do you snatch first? The champagne? The caviar? Smoked Salmon? Truffles? Chocolate? Or something else?

Well, chocolate, naturally! But why only luxury food? The first thing I'd get would be ryvita and marmite. I'm a girl of simple foods. (I suppose if there were some stuffed vine leaves aboard I'd have to snag them, too.)

The Rules…
“Answer each of the five questions. Tag five bloggers you would like to pass the meme to. Have them link back to you and to this post as the source meme. You and they can take the graphic from here if they like.”


  1. picasso36: As he too is thinking of food.
  2. Deacon Dave: You need to update your blog more often, here is the perfect opportunity :)
  3. Skippybird: A fellow food lover.
  4. LadyH: Just because.
  5. Ciri: I'm going to bug you since you're back in touch ;)!

Thanks to (un)relaxeddad for this one!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ally,did your foodie thing on my page,but too much of a dumbass to kmow how to link it to you.

Ally said...

Don't be silly!

Here's how to link a link:

Type the name of the link, then highlight it. Above the text box there are little icons. If you click the icon that looks like a little world wearing glasses it brings up a hyperlink box. Type the URL of the link into the hyperlink box then press OK. You will then have a link. :D