Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some days I hate everything...

Today is one of those days. Hmph. I feel all squished inside, all muted and non-existent. I need chocolate, but chocolate is also the last thing I do need.

Catch me if I fall...


Anonymous said...

Think I fell last night.te really well and healthily for two weeks and did not lose a ounce of weight.Ended having four pints of Guiness,a kebab and a pizza!!! I fell hard so I am waiting to catch you!
On the plus side got assessed by the disability people via OU and they are providing voice recognition software and a really cool dictophone which will synch with word07.Good for tutorials etc.It will even let me dictate and then it will type it for me.How cool is that.
i don't only feel squishy,i am squishy and v fat.
Don't worry though,we are heroes it's just other people don't realise it yet.
ps.thanks for the facebook comment

Ally said...

They offered the voice recognition software to me too, but stupidly I said no. I did get a super-cool digi-dictaphone though. It comes in very handy for verbally scrawling notes and ideas down for both TMA and story thoughts. Haven't got Word2007 though, so no syncing for me.

The squishy thing wasn't in respect to my squishy belly, more to the squishy demons and paranoid monkeys crammed into my head. They were all vying to escape and making me feel less visible than a virtually invisible piece of dust.

Yup. Heroes with chocolate chops. Or is that just me? Sorry, yeah, that's me... Though my hero name isn't choccie chops. No, it is Lexinauld Treehugger Choccobaps.

Anonymous said...

Think it will synch with other forms of word or maybe other programs.Don't forget that DSA's are "live" that is if your situation or needs change ring them up and ask for it.If you call the regional centre they can arrange the voice recognition stuff.For me at least it looks very useful,imagine it would be good for you to.